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Student panel honors Women’s History Month at Westminster College

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Posted on Friday, March 22, 2024

An inspiring panel of female Westminster College students will lead a discussion celebrating Women’s History Month at 3 p.m. Wednesday, March 27, in the Cultural Center located in the McKelvey Campus Center.

Westminster’s Office of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI) created a panel of students highlighting the legacy and dedication of women in their fields of study.

“The goal of our panel discussion is to promote awareness and knowledge of women’s historical contributions, to foster a deeper understanding of the challenges women have faced and continue to face and to encourage, recognize and appreciate women’s roles in various fields of study,” said Dr. Sherese Newell, director of DEI education and bias prevention for Westminster College.

The panel of four will share research on women who have made an impact in their respective areas of education.

Honors student Hannah Piccirilli, a senior neuroscience and international studies double major from Erie, Pa., will discuss a woman in the field of neuroscience, while Gabriela Garza, a senior from Spring Hill, Tenn., will share the story of a woman in biochemistry. Breannda Davis, a senior finance and business administration double major from Streetsboro, Ohio, plans to discuss a successful woman in business and Kyah Ceci, a junior early childhood and special education major from Youngstown, Ohio, researched a female advocate in education.

Students will bring a young perspective to a long legacy of women’s contributions to society.

“Women’s History Month is important to me because I had to research important women in my field to speak about for this panel. I could name the men who have made historic achievements, but the women—even in neuroscience—are often overlooked,” said Piccirilli.

Women’s History Month was designated an honorary observance in 1987 by Congress to recognize and celebrate the contributions of women throughout history and today. The designation is still carried on by a yearly proclamation in March made by the President of the United States.

This event is open to the public. For more information, please contact Newell at or 724-946-7179. To learn more about Westminster’s Office of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion, click here.