Westminster offers an exceptional education that achieves undeniable outcomes and is genuinely affordable. You'll learn from incredible faculty who are experts in their fields and who understand the value of experiential learning opportunities, such as research, internships, service, study abroad, and leadership. As a result, you'll graduate with the knowledge and skills you need to achieve your professional goals.
We're also committed to making this outstanding education affordable. Every accepted full-time undergraduate student is offered a renewable four-year academic merit scholarship made possible through our amazing alumni and friends. Explore our 50+ majors and pre-professional programs to see how real experiences lead to real success.
Just one hour north of Pittsburgh and 30 minutes east of Youngstown, OH, our 300-acre campus is simply beautiful, but it's the people who live and work here who make it truly special. Campus tours and special Admissions events are held throughout the year.
Have questions? Your Admissions Counselor is here to help!
Register for an on-campus or virtual visit today.
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We are an exceptional educational value, ranked among the top 25 colleges in the nation for “Best Value for the Money” by College Factual. After scholarships and financial aid, many of our students pay about the same amount out of pocket that they would at a state school, but they receive an education that is far richer. Let us work with you to develop a financial plan that makes a Westminster education affordable for you.
Select one of the three application deadline schedules.
Westminster is test-optional. If you do plan to take the SAT or ACT, consider taking the test no later than November of your senior year.
Make sure your high school or secondary school submits your transcript and secondary school report form.
Complete and submit the FAFSA as soon as possible after it is made available by the Department of Education.