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The mission of Westminster College is to help students develop competencies, commitments and characteristics that have distinguished human beings at their best. The liberal arts tradition is the foundation of the curriculum continually designed to serve this mission in a rapidly changing world.

The College sees the well-educated person as one whose skills are complemented by ever-developing values and ideals identified in the Judeo-Christian tradition. Westminster's quest for excellence is a recognition that stewardship of life mandates the maximum possible development of each person's capabilities. The College thus realizes its mission to people who as students:

  • Develop intellectual curiosity and the competencies to reason logically, evaluate critically, communicate effectively, imagine creatively, appreciate and produce aesthetic and creative expressions of humanity;
  • Acquire a knowledge and appreciation of self, society, human cultures, and the natural world, and human relationships to God;
  • Develop and demonstrate moral and ethical commitments to neighbor, society, and the natural world consistent with the understanding of self;
  • Commit themselves to lifelong learning and the acquisition of skill for careers and responsible service as world citizens.


Westminster College Outcomes

The College's mission statement expressed as statements of student ability-based outcomes:

  • To reason logically and evaluate critically;
  • To communicate effectively;
  • To think creatively, and appreciate aesthetic expressions;
  • To demonstrate intellectual curiosity;
  • To acquire knowledge of self, society, human cultures, the natural world, and human relationships to God;
  • To apply knowledge to contemporary issues;
  • To demonstrate moral and ethical commitments to neighbor, society, and the natural world;
  • To demonstrate commitment to lifelong learning and the acquisition of skills for careers and responsible service as world citizens

The curricular and co-curricular learning programs are designed as a means by which the College endeavors to fulfill its mission.