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Men's Chorus and Director Participated in "Mucho Macho Music"

Men's Chorus
Dr. Robin Lind

The Westminster College Men's Chorus and its director, Dr. Robin Lind, participated in the seventh annual "Mucho Macho Music" festival Nov. 2 at North Hills Junior High School in Ross Township.

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Students Earn Master's Degrees

Ten Westminster College students earned master of education degrees over the summer.

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Exoplanets Detected from Westminster College Observatory

(L-r) Daniel Giles, Will Armentrout, Dr. Thomas Oberst
Transit of exoplanet WASP-43b

The Westminster College Observatory has detected five exoplanets (planets orbiting stars other than our sun).  These are not new discoveries, but the detections are significant because they demonstrate Westminster's capability to join the search for new exoplanets.

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Westminster College Chamber Singers and Concert Choir Plan Winter Tour

The Westminster Concert Choir

NEW WILMINGTON, Pa. - Westminster College's Chamber Singers and Concert Choir will sing at several Presbyterian churches in Florida and South Carolina on their annual tour Jan. 4-9.

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Bleasby Colloquium Continues with Study of John Irving

Dr. Richard Sprow, professor of English, and Dorita Bolger, professor and associate librarian, will present, "John Irving: The Writer as Artist," at the Bleasby Colloquium Thursday, Nov. 18, at 7 p.m. in the Sebastian Mueller Theater in the McKelvey Campus Center.

 "We will talk about our sabbatical leave experience, which was to study the novels and other writings of John Irving," Sprow said.  "We will talk about collaborative scholarship, describing the process and showing some results.  We will also present some preliminary analysis of the role of the artist/writer as character in many of his works."

 "We are planning to write two books: one containing the complete annotated bibliography of works by and about Irving; and one focusing on a literary analysis of Irving's novels and films made from some of them.  The main theme of this second book will be the image of the writer/artist in Irving's writing," Sprow added.

 The event is free and open to the public.  For more information, contact Sprow at (724) 946-7346 or e-mail; or Bolger at (724) 946-7325 or e-mail

Westminster Students Culminate Class in Greece

Fifteen Westminster College students culminated a semester-long "It's All Greek to Me" cluster course with a three-week long trip to Greece after spending the Spring semester in a classroom studying about the country.

 The course was taught by Dr. David Goldberg, assistant professor of philosophy, who accompanied the students on the trip.

 "Ephesus was the best site that I visited during the trip," said Benjamin Nelson, a senior business administration and history major from Poland, Ohio. "Though only 10 percent of the ancient city has been excavated by the Turks, what was visible to the naked eye was simply amazing.  Ephesus and Patmos, an island we visited, added an unexpected and much appreciated bit of Biblical history to the trip.  We saw the Cave of the Apocalypse and the house of the Virgin Mary."

 "At Westminster, adequate preparation is given, and it provided me with enough background to both understand what I saw and what to seek out," said Nelson.  "I saw all of the top historical and archaeological sites on my list, and was provided with a knowledgeable tour guide.  I can't remember a question going unanswered."

 Nelson has advice for other Westminster students thinking about going on a class trip.

 "My advice to students would be to pick the area you are most interested in, keep a journal, and most of all treat it like a vacation.  This is a once in a lifetime experience, so it's important to make it count."

 Contact Goldberg at (724) 946-7153 or e-mail

Cassie Pantages, Dr. Suzanne Prestien, Dr. David Goldberg, and Melanie McGrew

Westminster Opens Arbor Day Planting to the Community

 Westminster College Field Station invites the community to help plant several hundred white oak and American beech seedlings Monday-Saturday, April 24-29, from 9 a.m.-6 p.m or Sunday, April 30, after 1 p.m.

"Arbor Day has a long and distinguished history," said Dr. Clarence Harms, professor of biology emeritus and director of the Field Station.  "Sterling Morton, a pioneer newspaper man, first proposed a tree-planting holiday called 'Arbor Day' in April 1872. 

"This year we are renaming Arbor Day as 'Sandy Day.'  What we are planning is a tree planting blitz to honor the memory of Sandra May Edmiston, a 2005 Westminster graduate who was a regular volunteer at the Field Station and helped many children plant trees.  Sandy died in a rock climbing accident in August 2005."

The event is free and open to the public.  First graders from Mohawk and Wilmington, as well as Lawrence County Head Start and Pack 733 Cub Scouts, have already reserved times to plant trees. 

"Seedlings will be available to anyone who wishes to come to the Field Station at 937 Fayette-New Wilmington Road, but to be sure a seedling is reserved for each person, including children, please call (724) 946-8520 and leave a message or e-mail me at"

 "When you plant a tree, you are an optimist," Harms said.  "You believe there will be a future."

Westminster's Accelerated Lifelong Learning Block Courses Begin in January

Accelerated Lifelong Learning courses begin Jan. 2 at Westminster College.

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"Tis the Season" Planned at the Westminster College Planetarium

The Westminster College Planetarium plans its annual holiday event Nov. 30, Dec. 1-2 and 7-9 in Hoyt Science Resources Center room 116.

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Westminster College Recognizes Alumna for Artifact Contributions

Susan J. Grandy, a 1985 Westminster graduate, was recognized by Westminster College with a certificate of appreciation and gratitude for her contributions in revitalizing the College's Cultural Collection and rehabilitating its Egyptian mummy.

"During her undergraduate years at Westminster, Ms. Grandy organized a fund raising campaign to restore and display the College's Egyptian mummy," said Dr. Samuel Farmerie, curator of cultural artifacts and professor of education emeritus at Westminster College.  "Through her efforts, the mummy was restored, a display case was acquired, and a suit of 18th century Japanese armor was also restored.

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