Registration is now closed. Limited day-of, cash-only participants can be accepted.
Immediately following Baccalaureate and continuing until 12:45 p.m., a buffet-style lunch will be available. Every graduate will receive a complimentary lunch ticket, and family and friends can purchase lunch at a cost of $14 for adults and $7 for children (ages 4-11). Lunch can be purchased in advance, here, by May 1st. Only cash will be accepted the day of the event. Pre-purchase is highly recommended.
The menu includes: Roasted Veggie (vegan) on Focaccia, Roast Turkey and Cheddar on Ciabatta, Italian Sub on French Baguette, Pesto Pasta Salad, Fresh Fruit Salad, Traditional Potato Salad, Tortilla Chips with fresh Pico De Gallo, and Cookies. Additionally, a gluten-free option will be available.
On-campus parking options are limited, so we encourage you to consider this dining opportunity and suggest that you remain on campus for the entire day.
Important notes: No actual ticket will be issued. Please print out your registration confirmation email as your ticket to the lunch. Your name will also be provided to our Sodexo staff.
Additional seating will be available in the Witherspoon Rooms if the TUB fills.
For questions unrelated to the lunch, please reference the commencement website.
If you wish to order flowers, please visit here:
For additional information, please contact Kara Montgomery at or 724.9467363.
Reservations due by Thursday, May 2, 2024