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Honor Societies

In addition to student organizations, Westminster College hosts 19 honor societies many of which are tied to specific majors or professional societies within a given discipline. Honor societies generally have an invitation process for the top performing students academically and use criteria such as GPA, completion of requisite courses, leadership, and engagement in the campus community.

Honors Societies

Alpha Alpha Alpha

Alpha Kappa Delta -- sociology

Alpha Phi Sigma -- criminal justice

Beta Beta Beta -- biology

Kappa Delta Pi -- education

Kappa Mu Epsilon -- mathematics

Lambda Pi Eta -- communication

Lambda Sigma -- sophomore

Mortar Board -- seniors

Mu Phi Epsilon -- music

Omicron Kappa Sigma -- honors prog

Phi Alpha Theta -- history

Phi Sigma Tau -- philosophy

Pi Delta Phi -- French

Pi Sigma Pi -- junior/senior

Psi Chi -- psychology

Sigma Delta Pi -- Spanish

Sigma Pi Sigma -- physics

Sigma Tau Delta -- English