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Nine Westminster College Students Chosen for Intercollegiate Honors Band

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Posted on Thursday, February 11, 2016

Nine Westminster College students were chosen to participate in the Pennsylvania Intercollegiate Honors Band, the longest running state intercollegiate honors ensemble in the nation. This year, Elizabethtown College will host the event March 4 - 6.

For over 60 years, the ensemble has collected the top collegiate musicians throughout Pennsylvania, performing the finest and most difficult repertoire for bands under the leadership of some of the world’s finest conductors. This year, Westminster student participates include Joey Bandi, Jeanne Barbour, Linsey Clauser, Zachary Harper, Marissa Lyerly, Angela Renninger, Jordan Sherman, Scott Webler, and Zachary Woessner.

"I am extremely excited about this opportunity, especially because this is my first time being selected for such an ensemble,” said Barbour, a first-time member of the honors band. “I'm really looking forward to playing with a group that performs such challenging repertoire and is made up of students who are extremely passionate about and great at what they do.”

Upon arriving to the three-day festival, students rehearse and then audition for specific chair placement. Last year, four of the five Westminster College student participants, earned principal chairs.

“Between 28 and 30 colleges and universities participate in this event and there is no distinction between musicians regardless of the size of their respective colleges,” said Dr. R. Tad Greig, professor of music at Westminster and past president of the Pennsylvania Bandmasters Association, currently serving as recording archivist. “That is what we are so proud of, our students, who regularly end up at the top of their respective sections, a testament to the quality of our band students.”

"It is rewarding to represent your college and the work you do among such an amazing group of musicians,” said Lyerly, selected to participate in the Honors Band for the third consecutive year and was principal clarinet in the CBDNA National Intercollegiate Band. “This festival has helped shape my musical skills and has taught me so much."

For more information about the Honors Band, or to learn about bands at Westminster College, contact Greig at



Joseph Bandi, a senior music education and music performance major, is a son of Joseph and Debbie Bandi and a graduate of West Allegheny High School. He plays the horn.

Jeanne Barbour, a junior music education major, is a daughter of John and Theresa Barbour and a graduate of Gateway High School. He plays the trombone.

Linsey Clauser, a senior music education major, is a daughter of Robert and Dana Clauser and a graduate of Blue Mountain High School. She plays the horn.

Zachary Harper, a senior music education major, is a son of Dennis and Christine Harper and a graduate of Montour High School. He plays the trumpet.

Marissa Lyerly, a senior music performance major, is a daughter of Bryan and Lisa Lyerly and a graduate of Mars High School. She plays the clarinet.

Angela Renninger, a junior music education and music performance major, is a daughter of Timothy and Kristina Renninger and a graduate of Youngsville High School. She plays the saxophone.

Jordan Sherman, a sophomore music education major, is a son of Jim and Leah Sherman and a graduate of Sharpsville High School. He plays the oboe.

Scott Webler, a senior music education major, is a son of Martin and Cynthia Webler and a graduate of Mount Lebanon High School. He plays percussion.

Zachary Woessner, a senior chemistry and music as a second major major, is a son of Clifford Woessner and Anne Raisley and a graduate of Butler High School. He plays the horn.