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College Policies & Procedures


Freedom of Expression

Westminster College supports the First Amendment which guarantees freedom of speech, freedom of expression, and the right to assemble peaceably. The College remains firmly committed to affording every member of the College community the opportunity to engage in peaceful and orderly protests and demonstrations which do not disrupt the operation of the College. However, such opportunities must be provided on an equal basis and adhere to the basic principle of the College’s being neutral to the content of any public demonstration. In order to achieve this objective, while at the same time insuring that the College fulfills its educational mission, the College has the responsibility to regulate the time, place, and manner of expression. Through such regulation, the College can assure equal opportunity for all persons, preserve order within the College community, protect and preserve College property, and provide a secure environment to individuals exercising freedom of expression.

The following provisions serve as a guideline for governing Freedom of Expression at Westminster College.

Freedom of Speech

Students should be generally free to express their ideas and opinions both inside the classroom and in all other areas of the campus including, but not limited to: residence halls, academic buildings, and all other properties owned by the College in a manner that does not conflict with College policies and guidelines. Students have the responsibility to express their ideas and opinions in a way that will not infringe upon the expression of ideas and opinions made by other members of the Westminster College community, including not engaging in hate speech and in a manner that does not unduly disrupt the College learning environment or jeopardize student safety.

Right to Assemble

The College should generally allow students and Student Engagement to organize and assemble, without College interference, provided that they do so without undue disruption of College activities and the enjoyment of other students and in a manner that does not directly violate the rights of any other member of the Westminster College community.

Students should generally be free to form and join organizations to promote their common interests, but as a condition of institutional recognition, prospective student organizations must follow the required procedures for recognition as found in the Student Organization section of the Handbook for Students.

Distribution of Written Material

Non-commercial pamphlets, handbills, circulars, newspapers, magazines and other written materials may be distributed on a person-to-person basis in open areas outside of buildings and other enclosed structures on the campus. No stand, table or booth shall be used in distribution except in the McKelvey Campus Center and only with the approval from Student Affairs. Written material may not be distributed to faculty or staff offices, campus residents’ private rooms, or placed under closed/locked doors. The College maintains a position of neutrality as to the content of any written material distributed on the campus under this policy.