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Fraternity & Sorority Regulations


Regulations for Interfraternity Council Recruitment

Section 1. Eligibility

  1. To be eligible to join a fraternity, an individual must:
    1. Be a currently enrolled full-time undergraduate student at Westminster College;
    2. Have been a student at the College for at least one prior semester;
    3. Have a cumulative GPA of 2.0 or higher.
    4. Fraternity members who fall below full-time student status during a semester may remain a member for the duration of the semester, but must attain full-time student status the following semester in order to retain membership.

Section 2. General Rules for Recruitment

  1. Westminster College does not permit fraternities or their members to haze. Hazing is defined as any activity which the fraternity expects prospective members to participate in and which is created intentionally, on or off fraternity premises, for the purpose of producing mental or physical discomfort, embarrassment, harassment or ridicule. Such activities include, but are not limited to, the following: paddling in any form; creation of excessive fatigue; physical or psychological shocks; required trips from the campus; required physical exercises; the wearing of conspicuous public apparel; public stunts and buffoonery/ morally degrading or humiliating games and activities; late night work sessions which interfere with scholastic activities.
  2. All dates and items included in the recruitment format and potential member requirements will be considered as part of the recruitment policy. Failure to adhere to the specifications in both the recruitment format and recruitment requirements will be subject to equal penalty to that of the recruitment rules.
  3. Recruitment is a year-round process and the policy defined in this document will be in effect year-round. This policy will be updated with dates on a yearly basis. If there are any major changes to these rules, the new recruitment rules will be passed at a regular Interfraternity Council business meeting, tabled for two weeks, and voted in effect by a majority of chapters.
  4. A recruitment event is defined by any publicized or planned activity where potential members are present.
  5. RECRUITMENT IS DRY. No alcohol may be present at any recruitment activity. No member, affiliate, or holdover of any chapter can purchase or serve alcohol to a potential member, regardless if the potential member is of legal drinking age.
    • No events with alcohol may be held the weekend of Bid Day. This includes Friday at 8pm to Sunday at Midnight.
  6. Recruitment events may be held at any time after the Interfraternity Council sponsored recruitment programming time period has occurred. All Chapter recruitment events must be registered with the Recruitment Chairman or a designated executive council member two business days prior to the event.
  7. Any media (video, audio, flyers, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram etc.) that is to be used for recruitment purposes must be reviewed and approved of by the Recruitment Chairman and IFC Advisor of Fraternity and Sorority Life, two business days prior to that time at which it will be used.
  8. No chapter may co-sponsor or hold a recruiting event with another organization, including, but not limited to, an alcoholic beverage distributor, charitable organization, or tavern (tavern is defined as an establishment generating more than half of the annual gross sales from alcohol) where alcohol is given away, sold or otherwise provided to those present.
  9. After you associate/pledge/affiliate a potential member, your chapter has five business days to fill out and return to Office of Student Affairs an Affiliation Form for each new member, or he is not considered affiliated and is still a potential member.
  10. Good sportsman-like conduct must be displayed at all times while recruitment is occurring. No chapter may be abusive towards any member or member chapter of the Fraternity Community, whether verbally or physically, at any time. No member may impress these ideals on a potential member. Failure to abide can result in a grievance being filed by a chapter, recruitment staff, or the Interfraternity Executive Council.
  11. No degrading themes (i.e. themes that degrade race, gender, another chapter, or Greek Life in general, etc.) may be used in recruitment. This includes chapter apparel used during the recruitment period.
  12. No women should be involved in men’s fraternity recruitment. This includes, but is not limited to promoting, planning, running/participating in any event that could be considered a recruitment event.

Section 3. General Rules Fraternity Recruitment Time Periods

  1. The time period for the Structured Recruitment Policy will be decided every Fall semester by the IFC and IFC Advisor. This period will be known as Fraternity Recruitment. There will be additional specific rules produced each year relating to the specific times and dates during the Interfraternity Recruitment time period.
  2. If offered, it is mandatory that all chapters attend the training session/retreat prior to the start of the recruitment period. Violations will be submitted to the IFC Judicial Board.
  3. There will be a hold on bidding during the recruitment period. Violations will be submitted to the IFC Judicial Board.
  4. No chapter may attend any other chapter’s recruitment events during the recruitment period without the prior written permission of the host chapter. The prior written permission must be filed with the IFC Recruitment Chairman prior to the event in question. Violations will be submitted to the IFC Judicial Board.
  5. Chapter participation is required at every event. Violations will be submitted to the IFC Judicial Board.
  6. No chapter may hold any individual chapter events, other than the dates specified by IFC during the recruitment period. This includes recruitment, philanthropy, or information: tables, events, and social functions. Violations will be submitted to the IFC Judicial Board.
  7. All chapters must notify the IFC Recruitment Chairman of any events during the recruitment period. Violations will be submitted to the IFC Judicial Board.
  8. Sorority members are not allowed to participate in recruitment events, as outlined in Section 1, Number 12