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Fraternity & Sorority Regulations


Westminster College Panhellenic Association Code of Ethics

We, the members of women’s sororities at Westminster College, agree to promote honesty, respect, sisterhood, and cooperation within the College Panhellenic and our respective chapters and in our daily lives. This code of ethics is designed to inspire our members, reinforce exemplary conduct and values-based leadership, and perpetuate lifelong membership to enrich the sorority and Panhellenic experience.


Holding ourselves to the highest standard in terms of moral and ethical decision making by promoting honor and good character throughout our membership. Being open and honest with each other in order to strengthen our relationships. Living in congruence with our individual organization and shared community values.


Acknowledging our membership in the greater Panhellenic sisterhood. Strengthening our sense of belonging through support of our Panhellenic peers and ideals, thereby conveying the strength of our collective community.


Honoring one another as women by recognizing each other’s inherent dignity. Sharing a deep regard for each individual’s and chapter’s achievements, qualities, traditions and desire to promote mutual betterment.


Adhering to the policies, which we have the privilege to establish for our community. With this privilege, holding oneself and each other accountable to live up to that standard.


Realizing there is an appropriate time and place for healthy competition that promotes a better community and stronger individual organizations. Our sororities are one unified body striving to better the community and set an example for all.


Promoting active awareness of each other’s ideas and actions to encourage open communication that fosters responsibility and accountability. Celebrating differences in order to appreciate each chapter’s unique characteristics.


Dedicating ourselves to the realization of the four tenants our community values: Leadership, Scholarship, Service, and Community.

As Panhellenic women of Westminster College, these are the tenants by which we strive to live.

Date adopted: Sunday, March 1, 2015