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Students Present Local Water Quality Research at ALLARM Meeting, Nov. 19

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Posted on Wednesday, November 11, 2015

In collaboration with Lawrence and Mercer ALLARM, students from an introductory environmental science class will present their results on a six-week water quality study, 7 p.m., November 19 in Patterson Hall, room 207. The event is open to the public.

"This is just one way our campus and surrounding community can support the work of our students," said Dr. Helen Boylan, Environmental Sciences program coordinator.

ALLARM is dedicated to engaging in local water quality and air quality monitoring, educating the community about the environmental, social, and economic implications of oil and gas industry, and empowering volunteers with the tools needed to assess the health of our natural resources. Volunteers opportunities are available to help monitor water quality in Mercer and Lawrence counties.

For more information about volunteering, participating, or engaging in ALLARM activities, visit or contact Boylan. Current members are asked to bring their LaMotte water probes to the meeting for calibrating.

Learn more about academic life in Environmental Science or Chemistry Programs at Westminster College.