Internship Funding
This Fund was formalized in 2021 by Dr. Christie and Mr. Benjamin Nelson in support of the mission of Westminster College to help men and women develop competencies, commitments, and characteristics which have distinguished human beings at their best.The liberal arts tradition is the foundation of the curriculum continually designed to serve this mission in a rapidly changing world.
This fund is awarded to enhance their classroom study through the exploration of career options and acquisition of professional skills, and recognizing that in today's working environment significant expense can be associated with high-quality internship experiences, Dr. and Mr. Nelson have chosen to endow The Dr. Christie and Ben Nelson Intern Fund.
Income from this Fund will be used annually to provide competitive funding for students who accept eligible, unpaid or underpaid internships, co-ops, and similar programs. The sponsorship is administered through the Westminster College Office of Professional Development & Community Engagement where an application process requiring a personal statement, resume and (if available) offer letter from an organization, company, nonprofit, NGO, or related stating pay amount (or lack thereof) and location of position. Applications are reviewed by a committee of Office of Professional Development & Community Engagement staff, Financial Aid Director, Westminster College faculty and College administrators. Final selection is at the discretion of the Office of Professional Development & Community Engagement .
All application materials must be complete and submitted by March 31 of each year. Please stop in the Office of Professional Development & Community Engagement for more information.
Class of 1964 Golden Anniversary Celebration Class Project
This fund was established by members of the Class of 1964 as a gift to the College in honor of their Golden Anniversary Celebration in October of 2014.
Recognizing the value of experiential internship opportunities as a way for students to enhance their classroom study through the exploration of career options and acquisition of professional skills, and recognizing that in today’s working environment significant expense can be associated with high-quality internship experiences, the Class of 1964 has chosen to endow The Class of 1964 Intern Sponsorship Fund.
Income from this fund will be used annually to provide competitive funding for students who accept eligible, credit-worthy unpaid internships. The sponsorship is administered through the Westminster College Office of Professional Development & Community Engagement where an application process requiring a personal statement, resume and unofficial transcript is in place together with an established timeline for application submission.
Applications are reviewed by a committee of Office of Professional Development & Community Engagement counselors, Westminster College faculty and College administrators. Final selection is at the discretion of the Internship Coordinator.
Applications can be picked up in the Office of Professional Development & Community Engagement . Deadline for application is March 31.
Recognizing the value of experiential internship opportunities as a way for students to enhance their classroom study through the exploration of career options and acquisition of professional skills, and recognizing that in today's working environment significant expense can be associated with the high-quality internship experiences, Donald P. Blayney '73 has the dowed this fund to support students as outlined below.
Funding will be considered for a student who obtains an eligible, credit-worthy unpaid history/liberal arts-related internship. Preferences will be given to a student interning at a National Archive Museum, research facility, Presidential Library or any Smithsonian affiliation. Students must submit a personal statement, resume and unofficial transcript to the Office of Professional Development & Community Engagement no later than the third Monday of April of each year for summer funding.
Please visit the Office of Professional Development & Community Engagement for more information.
Recognizing the value of experiential internship opportunities as a way for students to enhance their classroom study through the exploration of career options and acquisition of professional skills, and recognizing that in today's working environment significant expense can be associated with high-quality internship experiences, Mr. and Mrs. N. Craig Fetters, II have endowed The N. Craig Fetters, II '64 and Linda Wood Fetters '65 Intern Sponsorship Fund.
The sponsorship is administered through the Westminster College Office of Professional Development & Community Engagement where an application process requiring a personal statement, resume, and unofficial transcript is provided, along with a completed application.
Applications are reviewed by a committee of Office of Professional Development & Community Engagement counselors, Westminster faculty and administrators. Final selection is at the discretion of the Internship Coordinator.
One sponsorship will be awarded each year and the deadline is March 31.
Please stop in the Office of Professional Development & Community Engagement for more information.
Westminster College, in cooperation with the IM4Q grant coordinator, Dr. Gary Lilly, has endowed funds to support internships that benefit the mental health/intellectual disabilities population.
Income from this fund will be used annually to provide competitive funding for 1 student who accepts an eligible, credit worthy, unpaid internship in the mental health/intellectual disabilities area, with preference given to internships located in Western PA. The sponsorship is administered through the Westminster College Office of Professional Development & Community Engagement where an application process requiring a personal statement, resume, and unofficial transcript is in place together with an established timeline for application submission. The deadline is March 31.
Please stop in the Office of Professional Development & Community Engagement for more information.