Posted on Monday, April 9, 2018
The Division of Cognitive and Quantitative Sciences hosted their annual spring recognition and awards banquet on Wednesday, March 21, 2018 at 5:00 p.m. in the Witherspoon Rooms.
Opening comments were given by Dr. Terri Lenox, division chair. Following the dinner, program faculty recognized graduating seniors. Program recognition awards, book awards, and scholarships were also presented.
In addition to Dr. Lenox, the following faculty member represented the division at the event: John Bonomo, Craig Caylor, Carolyn Cuff, Natacha Fontes-Merz, Kelly Hartner, Thomas Oberst, Pamela Richardson, David Shaffer, Mandy Medvin, Sherri Pataki, Sandra Webster, Jessica Rhodes, and Deanne Buffalari.
Honored guests included:
David Sarver, Craig and Sharon Dimon, Matthew Hosie, Warren and Cinda Hickman, and David B. and Phyllis Gray.
Recognition of Graduating Seniors
Computer Information Systems Majors:
Eric Adams and Mitchell Stahara
Computer Science Majors:
Nicholas Caiazza, Kyle Monteleone and Joshua Stevens
Computer Science Minors:
Trevor Arrigoni, Rachael Huff Elliott and Matthew Gurneal
Mathematics Majors:
Trevor Arrigoni, Nicholas Caiazza, Rachael Huff Elliott, Matthew Gurneal, Tyler Heintz, Ava Hoag, and Deontay Scott
Mathematics Minors:
Eric Adams, Paige Baierl, Patricia Loughney, Charles Rossier and Antonio Troese
Physics Majors:
Tyler Heintz and Ava Hoag
Engineering Physics Majors:
Antonio Troese
Astronomy Minors:
Tyler Heintz and Ava Hoag
Psychology Majors:
Emily Connell, Addison Dieterich, Megan Douds, Devin Furness, Abigail Gore, Kaitlyn Krug, Haley Rich, Shelby Seyler, Katherine Shaw and Robert Turk
Psychology Minors:
Stephanie Dorsch, Savannah Goldbach and Kaitlyn Nicholson
Neuroscience Majors:
Bridget Herlihy, Emily Maholic, Megan Maloney, Katelynn Morrell and Morgan WidinaHuman Resource Management Majors:
Jessie Pokrant
Recognition of Kappa Mu Epsilon Members: Trevor Arrigoni (President), Skyler Hayes (Vice President), Rachael Huff Elliott (Treasurer), Nicholas Caiazza, John Clark, Tyler Heintz, Ava Hoag, Samuel Hockenberry, Shannon Joy, Alexander Michels, Roman Gabriel, Aaron Signer, Jamie Thompson and Antonio Troese
Recognition of Sigma Pi Sigma Members:
Tyler Heintz, Ava Hoag, and Antonio Troese
Recognition of Psi Chi Members:
Ashley Barker, Julianne Halmo, Lindsay Heinz, Kailey Liverman, Megan Maloney, Madison Morgan, Katherine Shaw, Christen Snyder, Marisa Stephenson, Gina Stephenson and Tori Vaughan
Mathematics Book Award: George Huncik
David Gray Social Action Award: Megan Maloney and Shelby Seyler
Dr. James A. Swindler and Jean (Swindler) Hosie Scholar Award: Andrius Burnelils
The Marmora Maude Dunlap and Dr. Edward A. Dunlap Scholarship: George HuncikNational Science Foundation Robert Noyce
Teacher Scholarship: Gabriel Roman & Jacob StoyerPaul E. Brown Memorial Scholarship: Jacob Stoyer
Dr. Warren D. Hickman Scholarship: Samuel Hockenberry
Dr. Beverly K. Michael Math Education Scholarship: Gabriel Roman
Dr. Thomas R. Nealeigh Mathematics Scholarship: Alexandeer Michels
J. Miller Peck Computer Science Scholarship: Devin Cheplic
Harriet Jackson Sarver Scholarship: Elaina Chapnell, Jamie Thompson & Skyler Hayes
Nell Glaser Whipkey and Kenneth Whipkey Scholarship: Daniel Jackson & David Windsor
Click here to view photos from the event.