Posted on Monday, September 4, 2017
By Lexie Yoho '18
The Westminster College Tiny House Project began as an idea on paper that has grown into a 160 sq. ft. physical representation of the hard work of students, faculty, professionals, and community members. The project was started almost two years ago by Chemistry and Environmental Science professor Dr. Helen Boylan and a team of Westminster Students. We met weekly to discuss ideas, plans, and how to start this seemingly “huge” tiny project. After a year of planning, and almost a year of construction, the house is finally almost complete.
Over the summer, community members, students, and faculty members participated in two community builds. We had a great turn out at both builds and we accomplished a lot, while gaining valuable hands on experiences. The exterior coat of paint is almost complete and the whitewashed ceiling has been completed. Once the house is complete, a student on the tiny house team will take over the college snapchat and the tiny house social media accounts to show the completed house and what it is like to stay in it for a few days. We are looking to have a few more community builds to get the house to the move-in-ready stage for students in the fall semester.
This fall semester, student enrolled in an Applied Social Media course will have the opportunity to live in the tiny house and use social media to share their experiences of tiny living. On September 1st, we will have our first “open house” for the tiny house at the New Wilmington First Friday. Members of the team will be there to answer questions and show people around the tiny house. The official dedication of the tiny house will be during Homecoming weekend on Friday October 13, 2017 at 4:30 PM. There will be an open house before the football game on October 14.
For more information, contact Tom Fields at or 724-946-7190.