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Department of Biochemistry and Chemistry hosts MAALACT conference

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Posted on Monday, December 12, 2022

Westminster College hosted the annual meeting of the Mid-Atlantic Association of Liberal Arts Chemistry Teachers (MAALACT) on Nov. 11-12, welcoming chemistry faculty from independent liberal arts colleges to share ideas and promote professional development.

Dr. Peter Smith, professor of chemistry and organizer of this year’s MAALACT meeting, described the event as a “good opportunity to hear from our colleagues about best ways to teach and support our students.”

Two Westminster faculty members presented as part of the meeting. Dr. Erin Wilson, associate professor of chemistry, presented “Using Specifications-based Grading in the Lower-level Chemistry and Biochemistry Curriculum at a PUI,” and Dr. Helen Boylan, professor of chemistry, presented “Post-labs, IF-ATs, and Real-World Applications.”

Attendees included faculty members as close as Thiel College and as far away as Mount St. Mary’s University in Maryland and Wells College in New York. Westminster alumnus Ian “Mitch” Taylor ’08, assistant professor of chemistry at Saint Vincent College, was also in attendance.

The MAALACT meeting concluded with a tour of the new lab and classroom space in the Hoyt Science Center addition.
Next year’s MAALACT meeting will be hosted by Mount St. Mary’s University.