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Students tapped for national undergraduate research conference

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Posted on Tuesday, March 29, 2022

Eight Westminster College undergraduate students have been selected to present research at the virtual 2022 National Conference on Undergraduate Research (NCUR) from April 4-8.

Sam Accordino will present “The Effects of Acute Nicotine Exposure on Anxiety-like Behavior in Rats Chronically Exposed to Methylphenidate.” Accordino is a senior neuroscience major and Honors Program student from Canfield, Ohio. Faculty mentor: Dr. Deanne Buffalari, neuroscience

Seth Schrader will present “Synthesis and Characterization of Europium-substituted Aluminum Phosphate Catalysts for the Partial Oxidation of Cyclohexane.” Schrader is a senior chemistry major and Honors Program student from Fredonia, N.Y. Faculty mentor: Dr. Peter Smith, chemistry

Mackenzie Hupp will present “The Effects of the Stigmatization of Body Weight and Physical Disability on Perceptions of Individuals.” Hupp is a senior psychology major and Honors Program student from Willoughby, Ohio. Faculty mentor: Dr. Sherri Pataki, psychology

Jill Douglas will present “What Beliefs and Attitudes do Gender Diverse College Students have Regarding Sexual Assault and Rape Myths on Campus?” Douglas is a senior psychology major from Fairhaven, Mass. Faculty mentor: Dr. Sherri Pataki, psychology

Makenzie Snarey will present “Evolution of Pueblo Culture and Social Identity: Pueblo Revolt of 1680 and Freedom Period Redefined.” Snarey is a history major from Carnegie, Pa. Faculty mentor: Dr. Angela M. Lahr, history

Madison Brown will present “Stress Levels and Time Management Among Student Athletes In and Out of Season and Non-Student Athletes.” Brown is a senior psychology major from Lisbon, Ohio. Faculty mentor: Dr. Sherri Pataki, psychology

Owen Meilander will present “Applications of Electrowetting.” Meilander is a senior physics and mathematics and Honors Program student from McKeesport, Pa. Faculty mentor: Dr. Craig Caylor, physics

Molly Frank will present “On Narrative Structure and Non-Traditional Storytelling in Modern Fantasy by Women Authors.” Frank is a senior English major and Honors Program student from Stow, Ohio. Faculty mentor: Dr. Kristianne Kalata, English

The Westminster College Drinko Center for Undergraduate Research provided a registration grant to each student.

For more information about the Drinko Center for Undergraduate Research, please contact Dr. Karen Resendes, director, at or visit

Participating in 2022 NCUR are, in front from left, Mackenzie Hupp, Jill Douglas and Molly Frank. Back row from left, Sam Accordino, Owen Meilander and Seth Schrader. Not pictured are Makenzie Snarey and Madison Brown.