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Student Spotlight: Jacob Trzcinski ’23

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Posted on Tuesday, September 8, 2020

Jacob Trzcinski ’23
Chippewa, Pennsylvania

Jacob Trzcinski ’23 loves attending Westminster College, a place where he can be unapologetically himself. He appreciates the accepting nature that exists at Westminster, a place where students are encouraged to be their individual selves. And no matter who you pass on campus, he likes that everyone is always willing to say ‘hi.’ Originally from Chippewa, Pennsylvania, Jake enjoys the smaller class sizes the College offers and the tightknit community of Westminster’s campus makes him feel at home. Jake was a part of the diving team at Blackhawk High School and he continues his diving career with Westminster athletics. He is also involved with the Wind Ensemble; the Society of Physics Students; and the Sexuality and Gender Alliance. A sophomore engineering physics major, Jake hopes to one day work in the field of quantum information science.