Posted on Wednesday, September 2, 2020
Shaemour Young ’22
Duquesne, Pennsylvania
Junior Shaemour Young ’22 has always been a Titan. West Mifflin High School—Home of the Titans—gave Shaemour the opportunity to get involved in many student groups. As a Westminster Titan, she is just as involved with several student organizations. Shaemour currently serves as the diversity chair for Student Government Association and is involved with the Black Student Union and the Sexuality and Gender Alliance (SAGA). She also works as a campus resident assistant. A public communication and leadership major with a minor in political science, Shaemour’s dream career includes beginning a podcast or magazine that focuses on pop culture and social issues. Shaemour chose Westminster because she loved the peaceful campus atmosphere, but today, she said, she has countless reasons to be at Westminster. Westminster’s campus feels like home to her, thanks to her friends and faculty and staff members who care about what is best for her.