Posted on Friday, July 10, 2020
B.A., History and Sociology
Mount Airy, Maryland
Why did you choose Westminster College?
I chose Westminster College initially for an Accounting major (which changed), women’s sports and “unlimited seconds” with the food service.
Did you participate in any organizations or activities when you were a student?
I participated in volleyball, basketball and was part of and played on the inaugural softball team through graduation. I was manager of the baseball team my freshman year. I was a member of Kappa Delta sorority and was the sports editor of the yearbook my senior year.
What have you been up to since graduation?
I recently retired after 34 years with Allstate Insurance, where I worked as a senior staff claim analyst. I continued with competitive sports until my knees got too bad, but I have competed in seniors table tennis and have enjoyed playing golf. I am currently raising an 18-year-old and 9-year-old.
What Westminster professors influenced you the most and why?
Two professors influenced my life, Dr. Wayne Christy (Religion) and Dr. Eugene Sharkey (History). Christy and his religion classes guided me in my spiritual journey, which has given me a great Christian faith and hopefully a Christian life in being a good and moral person to others. Dr. Sharkey gave me a thirst for history and appreciation for understanding the past and how it contributes to the present and future. My quest for history knowledge is still huge today.
What makes the Westminster College experience unique?
Westminster’s setting made the whole experience unique. The College community, as well as the town of New Wilmington, is a very friendly area where everyone is willing to help if needed.
What significant life lesson did you learn at Westminster?
I learned how to get along with different types of people in different situations. We all need to adapt in different environments.
Why should a prospective student consider coming to Westminster College?
Students should consider Westminster College for the environment, community and quality education. There are multiple extracurricular activities to be involved in and a wonderful sports program for men and women.
Knowing what you know now, what piece of advice would you give to yourself on that first day on campus?
The advice I would give myself on the first day on campus would be to get out and meet a lot of people. Diversity in life is good and there are many types of people on the campus and lots of experiences to learn from.
Learn more about Westminster's History and Sociology programs.