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Running with the Best: Keilah Ireland '17

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Posted on Tuesday, November 7, 2017

After graduating last May with a degree in mathematics, Keilah Ireland is already racing towards a successful future. Keilah currently works as an analyst in the conversions department of BNY Mellon in Pittsburgh putting the critical thinking and analytic skills she learned at Westminster to good use. BNY Mellon is a renowned banking firm that connects clients to financial opportunities in 100 markets across 35 countries. As an analyst, it is her job to ensure clients are able to move their assets when they need to. 

Although starting a new career can be intimidating at first for some recent graduates, luckily Keilah is part of a team with seven other people who are always willing to lend a helping hand. 

"My favorite part about work is my coworkers," said Keilah. "They are always eager to help when I have questions and some of them have even become people that I hang out with outside of work."

Being a team player has always been one of Keilah's strengths. Aside from being actively involved within the math department at Westminster, Keilah was a contributing member of the women’s indoor and outdoor track and field teams, scoring in her events throughout her tenure with the Titans. Keilah said being part of the track team led her to different experiences and people that have all impacted her life—including her track coach, Tim McNeil. 

“McNeil is always working hard,” she said. “Even on a bad day, McNeil is enthusiastic."

"He has taught me a number of life lessons and continuously pushed me to be better. He had a major impact on my life in college, and was one of the people that made Westminster feel like home. He is my role model and I aspire to be as hardworking, strong and determined as him.”

Happily running with a new team at BNY Mellon, Keilah left Westminster feeling well-prepared and equipped with the necessary skills to take on her job.

“The math department thoroughly prepared me for this job by teaching me to have a competitive, problem-solving mindset, which has driven some useful improvements to the company process," she said. “The rigorous curriculum and coding skills gave me the stamina and skills I need to perform on a daily basis.”

Westminster gave Keilah the means to discover her strong suits and run with them, both on the track and in the office. It’s evident to her that Westminster is not a place she will forget anytime soon.

Written by Megan Simpson