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Division of Cognitive and Quantitative Sciences Holds Annual Spring Recognition Banquet

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Posted on Thursday, April 27, 2017

The Division of Cognitive and Quantitative Sciences hosted their annual spring recognition and awards banquet on Tuesday, March 29, at 5:00 PM in the Witherspoon Lakeview and Maple RoomsDr. Terri Lenox, division chair, provided opening remarks. Following the dinner, program faculty recognized graduating seniors and program recognition awards, book awards, and scholarships were awarded to the student winners.

CQS faculty members in attendance included Dr. John Bonomo, Dr. Carolyn Cuff, Dr. Natacha Fontes-Merz, Dr. Craig Caylor, Dr. Thomas Oberst, Dr. Robert Knop, Dr. Sherri Pataki, Dr. Sandra Webster, Dr. Jessica Rhodes, Dr. Winifred Limmer, and Dr. Deanne Buffalari.

Honored guests included: Barbara Faires, David and Kappy Sarver, Beverly Michael, David B. and Phyllis Gray, and Matthew Hosie.

Recognition of Graduating Seniors 

Computer Information Systems Majors:
Garrett Ashbaugh, Rustin Casteel, Lauren Orzechowski, and Jacob Shodd

Information Systems Minors:
Andrew Henley and Laurel Michalek

Computer Science Majors:
Bryan Gallo and Anthony Groves

Mathematics Majors:
Richard Beaudoin, Kia-Anne Howe, Keilah Ireland, Sumer Kassim, Danielle Poling, Christijana Vucenovic, and Chelsea Youngs

Mathematics Minors:
Christopher Caroff, Matthew Getsy, Stephanie Homitz, Isaiah Morgenstern, and Brittany Slupe Physics Majors:
Isaiah Morgenstern

Psychology Majors:
Neil Christopher, William Currie, Daniel Dailey, Rachel Durbin, Alexander Earp, Emily Frasier, Rebecca Haynik, Kaitlyn Kosarek, Amber Kovach, Eric Mills, Margaret Panagiotou, Abbigail Rinard, and Kaleigh Snider

Psychology Minors:
Jordan Barley, Zachary Harper, and Jason Pilarski

Neuroscience Majors:
Emily Broderick, Ashlyn Brown, Rachel Orzechowski, Austin Ruediger, and Ronan Stark

Human Resource Management Minors:
Julia Hinson, Kathryn Pricener, Sarah Snyder, Maria Synan, Mariah Turiano, and Christopher Wess

Childhood Development Minors:
Sierra Downing

Recognition of Kappa Mu Epsilon Members:

Christijana Vucenovic, Trevor Arrigoni, Ava Hoag, Rachael Huff, Richard Beaudoin, Nicholas Caiazza, Christopher Caroff, Bryan Gallo, Anthony Groves, Tyler Heintz, Kia-Anne Howe, Sumer Kassim, Isaiah Morgenstern, and Brittany Slupe

Recognition of Sigma Pi Sigma Members:
John Clark, Tyler Heintz, Ava Hoag, Isaiah Morgenstern, and Antonio Troese Recognition of Psi Chi Members:
Gina Stephenson, Megan Maloney, Katherine Shaw, and Emily Broderick

Mathematics Book Award: Alex Michels

Computer Science Book Award: Daniel Jackson

David Gray Social Action Award: Emily Broderick Brain Awareness Travel Award: Ashlyn Brown

Dr. and Mrs. John G Albright Scholarship: Mitchell Donnick, Kendall Graham, Tyler Heintz, Ava Hoag, and Isaiah Morgenstern

Dr. James A. Swindler and Jean (Swindler) Hosie Scholar Award: George Huncik

The Marmora Maude Dunlap and Dr. Edward A. Dunlap Scholarship: Tyler Heintz

National Science Foundation Robert Noyce Teacher Scholarship: Gabriel Roman

Paul E. Brown Memorial Scholarship: Alex Michels

Dr. Warren D. Hickman Scholarship: Jamie Thompson, Matthew Gurneal, and Aaron Signer

Dr. Beverly K. Michael Math Education Scholarship: Jacob Stoyer

Dr. Thomas R. Nealeigh Mathematics Scholarship: Samuel Hockenberry, and Skyler Hayes

J. Miller Peck Computer Science Scholarship: Daniel Jackson

Harriet Jackson Sarver Scholarship: Rachael Huff, Trevor Arrigoni, Tyler Heintz, and Ava Hoag Nell Glaser Whipkey and Kenneth

Whipkey Scholarship: Nicholas Caiazza 

For more information, contact Doreen Matune at or 724-946-7284.