Posted on Thursday, July 16, 2015
Taylor Elias, a 2015 Westminster College graduate, received one of 30 College Chemistry Awards from the Society of Analytical Chemists of Pittsburgh (SACP) at its May 18 awards banquet.
Elias is a daughter of Timothy and Marybeth Elias of Ridgway, Pa. and a graduate of Ridgway Area High School.
“Taylor was the obvious choice for this award," said Dr. Helen Boylan, Westminster professor of chemistry and Elias's research adviser. "She has been our department's leading laboratory assistant when it comes to analytical chemistry and using chemical instrumentation."
Elias presented her research, "Analysis of the Effects of Microwave Exposure on Glucose Oxidase from Aspergillus Niger," at Pittcon in New Orleans in March.
In addition to a monetary award and framed certificate for the honorees, each student's college library fund received a check to purchase a book in honor of the student. The chemistry department at each institution received an engraved nameplate to add to the plaque recognizing past award winners.
For more information about the chemistry program at Westminster, contact Boylan at 724-946-6293 or