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Software Engineering Class Lends a Hand to LCCAP

Posted on Tuesday, May 8, 2007

Westminster College students in Systems Analysis and Design and Software Engineering classes recently designed a new Website for the Lawrence County Community Action Partnership (LCCAP) as part of a service-learning project.

Dr. Terri L. Lenox, Westminster associate professor of computer science, integrated the service-learning component into these two courses in order to see what happens when textbook theories meet the needs of a non-profit organization.

"Service-learning is a type of community service that is integrated into the course curriculum and requires that the students reflect on their service activity," said Lenox. "Working with LCCAP, Westminster students learned about their clients and how best to create a Website for them."

"It was a lot more of a hands-on experience than normal classes," said Daniel Orrison, a senior business administration major from Washington. "The class didn't just require us to learn new ideas and concepts, but also made us apply them on a daily basis. I am a visual and hands-on learner, so this class taught me so much."

The new Website is almost ready to hand over to LCCAP. "LCCAP is hoping to gain an invaluable and continued partnership with not only Terri Lenox's computer science and computer information systems students, but with Westminster College as a whole," said Emily Rowe of LCCAP. "The [Website] project will benefit Lawrence County, in that it will be accessible to other agencies, organizations, businesses and consumers alike, including those with special needs."

LCCAP is composed of three agencies that seek to involve the community in assessing local needs and attacking the causes and conditions of poverty.

Contact Lenox at (724) 946-7289 or e-mail for more information.

Seated: Peter Lukich, Will Maxwell, Courtney Gilmore, Daniel Orrison, Justin Smith.