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Honors Students Experience the Rigors of Monastic Life

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Posted on Tuesday, December 6, 2016

Westminster College honors students spent a weekend at a Monastery in Mohawk, New York this past November learning more about monastic life. The trip was part of an honors course that Dr. Russell Martin, Professor of History, is teaching this semester on Eastern Orthodox Christianity.

Junior political science major Don Lun says the trip was enlightening. “One thing I discovered is the rigor of discipline required to choose the monastic life,” says Lun. “It was interesting to see that although being a monk seems far out of reach, they were quite sociable, gregarious and excited to talk to us.”

In order to extend the experience of Martin’s course, the students spent time watching the daily routines of the monks and participating in informative lectures. For more information about the honors program, contact Dr. Bethany Hicok, Professor of English and director of the honors program, at 724-946-6349 or