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Eric A. Gaber

Eric A. Gaber

Lecturer of Business

Business Administration Faculty

(724) 946-7161

Campus Location:
   Thompson Clark
Mailbox: 150


Eric A. Gaber


School of Business

302 Thompson-Clark

Westminster College

319 South Market Street

New Wilmington, PA  16172


Fall 2023-24 Office Hours:

M/W/F: 10:30 to 11:45 & 2:00 to 3:00

Tuesday: 9:00 to 12:00 & 1:00 to 2:00

Class Schedule-Spring 2024

Mondays-9:20-10:20; 10:30-11:30; 11:40-12:40


Wendesday-9:20-10:20; 10:30-11:30


Friday-9:20-10:20; 10:30-11:30

About Me

As the E-I-R/Lecturer & Directior of WEC at Westminster College, Eric is accountable for the development and management of the Westminster Entrepreneurship Center and concurrently, he is also a professor within the school of business.

Eric has been an entrepreneur with over 30 years of experience accountabile for numerous for-profit and non-for-profit organizations. In these capacities he has been President/Executive Chair with several of these organizations. Eric has extensive experience in leading organizations from corporate inception through on-going organizational management and harvesting resolution.

The majority of his career has been the creation and leadership of a National/International Executive Recruiting company, E&C Services, Inc. E&C is primarily  focused in serving the Engineering & Construction industries globally. In addition to leading E&C, Eric has been directly involved in the creation, development and operations of a real estate developer builder, an architect firm, a specialized tools wholesaler, a sports ecquipment company and several other non-for-profit entities.Earlier in Eric's career he was a founding member of an e-commerce start-up as National Director of Business Development (MateriaLink, a marketplace for the E&C industry offering procurement solutions).

Eric participates with many associations, including: ELC, HRCC, AGC, ABC, CFMA, SMPS, ISPE, and NECA. He is currently the Executive Chair of the ELC (Entreprenuership Leadership Council), which is comprised of over 20 colleges and universities that possess an entrepreneurial/innovation department. As a recognized leader in Human Resources, E-Commerce and hiring trends, Eric regularlly speaks at industry conferences, serves on industry panels, and has been interviewed by regional and national periodicals. These include: Pittsburgh Business Times, Pittsburgh Tribune Review, Engineering News Record, Construction Company Strategist, CBMR, HRCC, etc.

He lives in McCandless Township near Pittsburgh with a wife and two daughters, one who is a Pediatric Dermatology Physician's Assistant for UPMC and the other as an RN with a cancer research hospital in Cincinatti.