Dr. Andy Bain is an Assistant Professor of Criminal Justice Studies, joining Westminster College in 2023.
His academic qualifications include a BSc. Sociology & Psychology (Joint Hons); PGDip Psychology; MSc. Criminal Justice; and a Ph.D. in Criminal Justice (examining offender behavior). His professional background includes almost four years with the National Probation Service (England & Wales) and eight years running a successful Criminal Justice Consultancy group. During this time, he has provided guidance and advice to law enforcement agencies, correctional bodies, and most recently the United States Navy. Dr. Bain spent almost two decades teaching in Higher Education, which has included more than 9 years teaching at the University of Portsmouth, in the UK, before moving to the United States in 2013.
Through his work he has authored numerous reports for local and national policing and corrections agencies. He has written, edited, and contributed more than 20 publications concerning Law Enforcement; Gangs and Gang Membership; and Risk and Risk Management. In addition, Dr. Bain has achieved an Expert status in Gangs and Transnational Organized Crime – from the National Gang Crime Research Center and was awarded the Fredric Milton Thrasher Award for his research in 2016. Dr. Bain has presented on his research at numerous leading international conferences in the United States, Australia, Canada, and the UK. He is a member of the American Society of Criminology, the American Psychology Association, the American Criminal Justice Sciences and has been a member of the National Gang Crime Research Center, Conference Organizing Committee, since 2019.
Dr. Bain is actively engaged in research concerning offenders and their behavior; gangs and gang membership; policing and the public; social psychology of offending and risk-taking behavior.
CJS 101 Introduction to Criminal Justice
CJS 202 Criminology
SSC 252 Data Analysis
CJS 305 Offender Behavior
SOC 350 Social and Criminological Theory
CJS 400 Crime Investigation
Lauchs, M., & Bain, A., (2021). (Eds.) Understanding the Outlaw Motorcycle Gangs: International Perspectives, Vol.II. Durham NC: Carolina Academic Press, available at:
Bain, A., & Lauchs, M., (2017). (Eds.) Understanding the Outlaw Motorcycle Gangs: International Perspectives,
Vol. I. Durham NC: Carolina Academic Press, available at:
Bain, A., (2016). (Ed.) Law Enforcement and Technology: Understanding the use of technology for policing, London: Palgrave-McMillan, available at: https://www.palgrave.com/us/book/9781137579140
Lauchs, M., Bain, A., & Bell, P., (2015). Outlaw Motorcycle Gangs: A Theoretical Framework, London: Palgrave-McMillan, available at: https://www.palgrave.com/us/book/9781137456281
Carson, D., & Bain, A., (2008). Professional Risk Taking with People: A Guide to Decision-Making in Health, Social Care & Criminal Justice, London: Jessica Kingsley Publishers Ltd, available at: Professional Risk and Working with People – Jessica Kingsley Publishers - USA (jkp.com)
Chapters in other text
Bain, A., (2019). Gangs in the Caribbean, in Morris-Francis, S., (Ed.) Crime & Violence in the Caribbean: Lessons from Jamaica, Rowman & Littlefield: ISBN-978-1-4985-4929-5, available at:
Bain, A., (2017). Deviance and the Motorcycle Gangs, in Brown, S., & Sefiha, O., (Eds.) The Handbook of Deviance, Routledge Publications: ISBN -978-1-138-124-578, available at: https://www.routledge.com/Routledge-Handbook-on-Deviance/Brown-Sefiha/p/book/9781138124578
Peer Reviewed Articles
Lauchs, M., & Bain, A., (2023). Outlaw Motorcycle Imperialism: International Expansion by the Bandidos, Hells Angels and Outlaws, Journal of Gang Research, Vol. 31 (1): 26-48
Bain, A., (2022). Crime and Cyberspace: Questions of knowledge and understanding, International Journal of Contemporary Sociology, Vol. 59 (2): 65-88
Bain, A., (2021). Situating Crime. Applying theory to the Caribbean experience of crime, International Journal of Contemporary Sociology, Vol. 58 (2): 239-258
Bain, A., (2021). Policing in a Pandemic: A crisis of confidence? Policing Insights, October, 2021. available at: https://policinginsight.com/features/analysis/policing-in-a-pandemic-a-crisis-of-confidence/
Bain, A., (2019). Groups, Gangs, Associates: Understanding Outlaw Motorcycle Gangs, The Law Review, Vol 56, South Dakota, Vol. 64 (3): 299-312
Bain, A., (2019). Skills for success. Understanding routes to desistance, Journal of Offender Rehabilitation [online first] DOI: 10.1080/10509674.2019.1635244 available at: https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/10509674.2019.1635244
*Gahunia, S., McConnell, K., & Bain, A., (2018) The positive perception of reduced gang violence through a public safety initiative, The Police Journal: Theory, Practice and Principles [online first] DOI: 10.1177/0032258X18780920 available at: http://journals.sagepub.com/doi/full/10.1177/0032258X18780920
*Gottenbo, N., McConnell, K., & Bain, A., (2018). Gangster Girlfriends in British Columbia: The Allure of Louboutin, Chanel, and Tiffany, Journal of Gang Research, Vol. 26 (1): 17-37
Bain, A., Golding, B., Brooks, G., Ellis, T., & Lewis, C., (2016). Calling the Police: The use of non-emergency 101 in England and Wales, The Police Journal: Theory, Practice and Principles, Vol. 89 (1): 55-69 available at: http://journals.sagepub.com/doi/pdf/10.1177/0032258X16631567
Bain, A., (2016). Education and Policing: An expectation of professionalism, ACJS Today, March, 2016 Vol. XLI (2): 14-19, available at: http://c.ymcdn.com/sites/www.acjs.org/resource/resmgr/ACJSToday/ACJSTodayMar2016.pdf
Bain, A., Robinson, B.K., & Conser, J., (2014). Perceptions of Policing: improving communication in local communities, International Journal of Police, Science & Management, Vol. 16 (4): 267-276 available at: http://journals.sagepub.com/doi/abs/10.1350/ijps.2014.16.4.345
Bain, A., & Pritchard, D., (2013). Soft Skills: Offenders Barriers to Employment, Works for Freedom, Centre for Crime & Justice Studies
Bain, A., (2011). Please Recycle, International Journal of Law, Crime & Justice, Vol. 39 (2): 121-135
Bain, A., & Parkinson, J., (2010). Resettlement and Social Rehabilitation: Are we supporting success? Probation Journal, Vol. 57 (1): 63-74
Bain, A., & Thomas, M., (2008). What Use Insanity, International Journal of Police Science and Management, Vol. 10 (3): 280-288
Bain, A., (2005). Rehabilitation, Questions of Development, Prison Service Journal, March 2005
Bain, A., (2004). From Redemption to Rehabilitation to Resettlement, Criminal Justice Matters, Vol. 56 (1): 8-10
* Denotes publication with a student who has graduated the Honors program at Kwantlen Polytechnic University, British Columbia, Canada