Robert Antonucci is completing is 20th year of teaching with the Lowellville Local School District. He graduated summa cum laude from Youngstown State University (YSU) in 1995, earning a Bachelor of Music degree in Music Education. He received a Master of Music degree in Music Education from YSU in 2003. At Lowellville, Antonucci’s teaching responsibilities include fourth grade music, band (grades 5-12), high school choir, and music theory. He directs the marching, concert, pep, and jazz bands. In addition to his responsibilities at Lowellville, Antonucci is an adjunct instructor at Westminster College, where he teaches tuba/euphonium. He is a member of the W.D. Packard Concert Band and the Youngstown Fine Arts Brass Quintet, and he serves as the conductor of the Lowellville Mt. Carmel Band.
Antonucci has been an active member of the Ohio Music Education Association (OMEA) since college. After attending the Da Capo Leadership Academy, he served two terms as secretary/treasurer of OMEA District V. Antonucci served two terms on the state music selection committee for band large group adjudicated events in Ohio, and he continues to serve as co-chair of the OMEA District V High School Honors Band.