How Parents & Families Can Stay Involved
We provide resources for parents and family members while their Titan is making their home away from home at Westminster College. Our goal is to answer questions, provide helpful resources, and keep parents and families up to date about campus happenings.
Parents and families are encouraged to remain connected to campus life by attending sporting events; music, theater, and Celebrity Series performances; Family Day activities; all-campus academic lectures; and special events planned by our Director of Parent Engagement. Our doors are always open to families who return to campus—so please stop by!
Keep up with campus events using our Arts & Culture Calendar and the Titan Athletics page.
We strongly encourage families to transfer responsibility for asking questions about their Westminster experience to your student. Once they arrive on campus, they will know the offices and the people who can provide answers. However, we also know at there may be times when a parent needs to support their student in finding an answer or seeking help. If this occurs, please contact Student Affairs at (724) 946-7110 during business hours. During breaks or when the college is closed, please contact Public Safety at (724) 946-7777.
Parent Association Facebook Group