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Center for the Environment

Showcasing Environmental Projects in the Region


Student Symposium on the Environment

The Student Symposium on the Environment is hosted each December by Westminster College to highlight environmental study, research, artistic expression, internships, and service work being done by students in the region. Individual, group, and class projects are welcome. Students from all disciplines, ranging from high school through graduate school, are encouraged to participate. Research posters, art work, oral presentations, video shorts and even performances are welcome.


Environmental Art in the Community

The Environmental Art in the Community project features local student art (in a variety of formats) that depicts some aspect of the local/regional environment. The art could be inspired by the natural world or environmental issues or could be created using natural materials. The art is displayed in various locations throughout the New Wilmington community during the month of November. Community members are encouraged to engage with the art and vote for their favorites, and awards are given in multiple categories. The art is featured during a public art walk on Sunday, November 24 from 4:00-5:00 pm.