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Humans of Westminster: Meet Tia Kowalo '19

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Posted on Tuesday, May 1, 2018

Going Places

I can truly say the Westminster is my home. I have made incredible connections with some of the best people that I have ever met here. I have met so many life-long friends, amazing professors, and kind staff at good ole WC. I never thought that a college life could mean so much more than waking up to go to 7:40 am classes. 

Through the connections that I have made, I have been able to work with Dr. Ortiz and Dr. Sirot (The College of Wooster) on mosquito repellency research in Costa Rica last summer. Costa Rica was my first trip outside of Pennsylvania/Ohio, and it fueled my need for travel. I have never met more friendly people-even though I couldn’t speak the same language. I worked everyday in the middle of a beautiful natural reserve in a tropical dry forest full of diverse wildlife. This amazing opportunity has expanded my options tenfold for plans after Westminster.

In addition to the wonderful research opportunity, Westminster has provided an awesome community building job as an RA, where I get to work with incoming first years each day. Working as a ResLife staff member, I get to make even more connections with new students. Being warmly welcomed into the WC community, and then working to welcome new students here, I hope that my contributions to Westminster have been impactful.

Tia Kowalo is a junior environmental science major.