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STEM Majors Participate in Earth Fest Event

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Posted on Wednesday, April 25, 2018

A group of Westminster students participated in the Earth Fest at Penn State Shenango in Downtown Sharon, PA earlier this month. Earth Fest is an annual celebration full of family-oriented activities and entertainment to educate the community on environment issues and sustainability.

“It was very cool seeing how many people were interested in the environment and surprising to see how many people care about preserving it," said environmental science major Andrew Kearney. "It was very encouraging to see all the kids going around as well.” 

As part of the festivities, the Westminster students guided the event-goers through hands-on activities such as performing basic water quality tests on samples collected from the Shenango Valley River. The participants learned about how the testing is performed and later determined the results.

The water quality testing procedures are part of a collaborative project between the Lawrence and Mercer Alliance for Aquatic Resource Monitoring (ALLARM), an outreach program based at Westminster College, and the Lawrence County Conservation District (LCCD). 

“Taking the knowledge we have learned about water quality data through ALLARM and presenting it to the public at an event like Earth Fest is a great learning experience for Westminster students," said environmental science major Alexa Yoho.

Junior environmental science major Victoria Libson agrees.

“The opportunity to go out to an event like Earth Fest is one that should not be missed. As a participant it was a joy to educate the public," Libson added.

Other participating students included Jessica Grady (junior environmental science major), Emma Pollock (junior chemistry major) and Erin Ward (first year environmental science major).