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Mathematics and Computer Science Recognition and Awards Banquet

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Posted on Wednesday, July 22, 2015

Westminster College's departments of mathematics and computer science and physics hosted their annual spring recognition and awards banquet this spring.

Dr. Terri Lenox, department chair, gave opening comments. Following the dinner, departmental faculty recognized graduating seniors.

Departmental recognition awards, book awards, and scholarships were also presented. In addition to Dr. Lenox, the following faculty members represented the department at the event: Dr. John Bonomo, Dr. Carolyn Cuff, Dr. Natacha Fontes-Merz, Dr. David Offner, Dr. Craig Caylor, Dr. Robert Knop, and Dr. Thomas Oberst.

Honored guests included: Dr. Warren Hickman, professor of mathematics emeritus and scholarship namesake; Mrs. Lucinda Hickman; Dr. Beverly K. Michael ‘69, scholarship namesake; Mr. J. Miller Peck, professor of mathematics and computer science emeritus and scholarship namesake; and Mr. David ’73 and Mrs. Kathleen (Kappy) Sarver.

The event offered the following recognition and awards:

Recognition of Graduation Senior Majors and Minors:

  • Computer Information Systems Majors: Nicholas Verno
  • Computer Science Majors: John Griebel and Nicholas Hainsey
  • Mathematics Majors: Stephanie Burkus, Torey DeAngelis, Brittany Erbe, Michael Girata, Nicholas Hainsey, and Brandon Saber Mathematics Minors: John Griebel, Caroline Kostishack, Brittany Majors, Julie Powell, and David Starr
  • Physics Majors: Veronica Corcoran, Brett McElroy, Samuel Mellon, and Jonathan Rogers
  • Physics Minors: Sarah Waszyn Recognition of Sigma Pi Sigma Members:
  • Samuel Mellon, Isaiah Morgenstern, Jonathan Rogers, Rachel Simko, and Sarah Waszy

Presentation of Departmental Recognition Awards:

  • Certificates were presented to each student who participated in one or more extracurricular professional events related to mathematics and computers science during the current academic year.

Presentation of Departmental Book Awards:

  • Computer Information Systems: Lauren Orzechowski
  • Computer Science: Anthony Groves
  • Mathematics: Kia-Anne Howe

Presentation of Physics Departmental Scholarships:

  • Dr. and Mrs. John G. Albright Scholarship: Rachel Simko, Tyler Heintz, and Ava Hoag
  • James A. Swindler Scholarship: Tyler Heintz
  • The Marmora Maude Dunlap and Dr. Edward A. Dunlap Scholarship: Rachel Simko

Presentation of Mathematics and Computer Science Scholarships:

  • Paul E. Brown Memorial Scholarship: Torey DeAngelis
  • The Fred L. and June McCall Burns and Family Scholarship: Kia-Anne Howe
  • Dr. Warren D. Hickman Scholarship: Christopher Phillips and Blake Dulick
  • Dr. Beverly K. Michael Math Education Scholarship: Shawna Howard
  • Dr. Thomas R. Nealeigh Mathematics Scholarship: Kia-Anne Howe
  • J. Miller Peck Computer Science Scholarship: Anthony Groves
  • Harriet Jackson Sarver Scholarship: Charles Cratty and Amanda Kowalczyk
  • Nell Glaser Whipkey and Kenneth Whipkey Scholarship: Mark Patton

For questions about mathematics and computer science at Westminster College, contact Lennox at or 724-946-7289.