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Professor Attends Organ-Building Conference

Posted on Monday, November 6, 2006

Dr. Elizabeth Harrison, assistant professor of music, attended The Eastman Rochester Organ Initiative Conference co-sponsored by the Westfield Center and by the Eastman School of Music in Rochester, N.Y.

"Aspects of Organ Building in the Twentieth Century, which was the theme of the conference, focused on the relationship of organ building techniques to organ performance," Harrison said. "The conference particularly honored John Brombaugh, one of the most influential American organ builders of the 20th century. I was interested in supporting this conference in John's honor because I worked with John back in the 1980s, as he built and installed two instruments near Chattanooga, Tenn. I know him quite well. In fact, when John retired from organ building almost two years ago, he offered me his organ workshop in Eugene, Oregon - something I consider a great honor and a testimony to my knowledge of organ construction.

"The workshop provided me with good opportunities to develop my knowledge of organ building as it impacts performance. In addition, I was also able to continue to develop an on-gong network of friends and colleagues, who are organists or organ builders. We all enjoyed learning more about how the instrument works and how that affects our churches, our students, and everyone's musical interpretation."

Just prior to the conference, Harrison attending the Westfield Center Board meeting, where she has been a trustee since 2002. The Westfield Center is an international keyboard organization focusing on organ, harpsichord, clavichord, and fortepiano.

Harrison, who has been with Westminster College since 2000, earned her undergraduate degree from Duke University and Southern College, master's from New England Conservatory, and D.M.A. from Stanford University.

Contact Harrison at (724) 946-7024 or e-mail for more information.

Dr. Elizabeth Harrison